New techniques
New techniques
New techniques
New techniques
New techniques
DEMCON, as a supporter of innovation, adopts all the new trends and new technologies in the field of demolition. Thus, with the use of new techniques, he can carry out projects with any degree of difficulty, quickly and safely. This gives DEMCON a clear lead over the competition and a leading position in Greece and abroad.

DEMCON, has built according to specifications set by the company, a machine for minimizing dust during demolition. This machine sprays water with high pressure in specific areas of the demolition in order to minimize the emission of dust during the demolition – demolition. In particular, throughout the execution of the works in the projects undertaken by DEMCON, the field of action is wetted by the special machine for minimizing the company’s powder, the Hennlich Gun 30 (Fog Canon). The Fog Canon is a cutting-edge machine that launches a cloud of water within a radius of up to 36 meters. In this way, the dust produced by demolition work is minimized to the maximum, which is the most appropriate global method to “cover” the dust caused by demolition. The water consumption of the Fog Canon is 50% less than the consumption of a common tire. In addition, the operation of the machine does not require human presence, a desirable event to avoid a work accident during firing.DONIMETRIC CHECK
Project: Demolition of 2 floors of a house with preservation of the building, Anakasia, Volos.
DEMCONassigned to the companyEUROTECHNIKALTD the reception and evaluation of the recorded vibrations during the demolition works on the roof of a newly erected building, in Anakasia, Volos on 15/01/2010.
Object of the work:
The control of the oscillations to which the building is subjected and mainly the floor under the roof, by the use of two air grenades.
According to the vibration control regulations and the results of the vibration control, the demolition did not affect in the least the remaining part of the building and certify the safety and stability of the building for future construction.
DEMCONcontinuing its long and successful course in the field of demolition, is launching the new MR3000C accelerometer, model of the company SYSCOM.
The MR3000C is an extremely reliable and efficient state-of-the-art vibration and motion measuring instrument. More specifically, it is a three-axis servo-accelerometer (servo-accelerometer) that bases its operation on the principles of a capacitive compensating power sensor. The accelerometer consists of a beam with suspended mass. When the mass deviates from its original position due to vibrations, the deviation is measured by special sensors and “translated” into acceleration. It has a measurement range (acceleration width) ± 4g and frequencies from 1 to 350Hz.
The identification and monitoring of the dynamic characteristics of the structures, in which the highly specialized staff of DEMCON works, can serve various purposes such as:
- Recording the dynamic response of structures during each time of work sufficiently and accurately
- Estimation of construction selectivity under operating loads, seismic vibrations, wind loads, heavy vehicle traffic, blast vibrations
- Evaluation of the structural condition of the construction
- Creation of a database with the ultimate goal of monitoring the “health” of the construction
- Early detection of problems and avoidance of destructive failures
The MR3000C consists of a complete set of recording devices and auxiliary systems, such as:
- Compact unit with sensor system
- Data recording system
- Data processing system
- Digital registration and communication system
- Memory
- Built-in Web Server for easy access
- Accurate timing (GPS)
- Wide dynamic range
- Wireless connectivity